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Name Description
Black Beauty Classic big-fruited black eggplant is nearly 100 yrs old. Glossy fruits become quite large but are well shaped, and perfect for slicing into thick eggplant steaks for grilling or eggplant Parmesan. 80 days.
Casper Compact plants produce ivory fruits that are three times as long as broad. Mild flesh. 70 days.
Fairy Tale Early harvests of elongated lavender fruit with white stripes. Best picked when about 4X1 3/4 inches while the skin is still shiny. Plants are ideal for containers. 50 days.
Fengyuan Purple Slim sixteen inch fruit are light lavender. Mild, sweet and tender with good yields. 65 days.
Ichiban Upright, slender purple, high yield oriental type. 8oz. 61 days.
Kashmiri Brinjal Oval to elongated fruits in clear shades of lavender to pink. Fruits reach 4-6 inches in length. 80 days.
Listada de Gandia Rich purple striping on creamy white skin. Teardrop to round shape with fruit that can grow to 6 inches long. Mild white flesh is delicious and sweet. 75 days.
Machiaw Pale lavender skin, 9-12" long. Mild tasting white flesh. 65 days.
Nadia Glossy dark purple-black skin and outstanding fruit and great production qualities. 70 days.
Pingtung Long Slender violet-purple eggplant 12" long. Excellent mild flavor and tender white flesh. Thrives and produce continuous harvests in summer heat and humidity. 65 days.
Prosperosa Tuscan heirloom. Round, deep violet fruit. Beautiful jewel-toned purple. Very productive. 73 days.
Rosa Bianca White with soft lavender streaks. White flesh, no bitterness. An Italian heirloom. 75 days.
Thai Long Green Heirloom from Thailand, very mild and sweet. 10-12" long, lime green. 85 days.
Violette di Firenze Violet fruits rimmed with white at the calyx. Large, heavy fruit is about five inches long and nealy as wide. Mild flesh and heavy crops. 85 days.
Korean Red Eggplant Mild, sweet fruit that matures to orange red on three foot bushes.70 days
Melanzane Rosso Di Rotonda The only red eggplant traditionaly grown in southern Italy. 80 days


Name Description
Cisineros Incredibly large, productive. Apple-green fruit with papery husk splits open as tomatillos mature and turn yellow-green. Bright green stage for the tartest flavor. 75 days.
Grande Rio Verde Special selection, large apple-green 3-4 oz globes, strong plants need no stakes, high yield. Determinate. 82 days.
Pineapple Sweet, fruity taste that reminds you of a pineapple. Short, spreading plants. 75 days.
Purple Uniquely colored tomatillo. Small fruit form inside papery husks and begin as pale green, then ripen to a rich, deep purple. Vigorous and productive plants. 75-85 days.
Toma Verde Flavor is sweet yet tart and wonderful in green Mexican salsa and other Mexican and Southwestern dishes. 75 days.
Verde Green fruit inside tan husk, for green Mexican sauce, globe, 2 oz. Indeterminate. 70 days.

Garden Thoughts



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