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Name Description Type
Iditarod Red Heavy producer of red salad sized fruit. Dwarf. Early season. C
Lime Green Salad Small lime green tomatoes that ripen further to amber. 3-5oz. Somewhat spicy. Good for containers since plants stay small yet provide a big harvest. Determinate. 58 days. C
Tasmanian Chocolate Dwarf with large black full flavored fruit. 85 Days. C


Name Description Type
Austin's Red Pear Yields abundant crop of extra-large, 2-ounce (up to 2"), red, pear-shaped cherry tomatoes. A perfect choice for a snacking tomato, or in salads. Indeterminate. 75 days. CH
Barry's Crazy Cherry Huge clusters of pale yellow, oval shaped cherry tomatoes. Very good, sweet flavor. Huge harvest potential. CH
BHN 968 (Dwarf Cherry Surprise) Hybrid cherry selected for flavor, texture and disease resistance. Compact plants. 60 days CH
Black Cherry Dark fruit, sweet and complex. An outstanding and sharp tasting cherry with deep mahogany coloring. Indeterminate. 65 days. CH
Blondkopfchen Small golden yellow 1" fruits borne in giant clusters, excellent sweet taste. Enormous yields and rarely a cracked fruit. Bears until frost. Indeterminate. 75- 80 days. CH
Cherry Roma Looks just like a miniature roma tomato. This plant sets heavy amounts of fruit that are about 1 inch long mini plums. Has a very addicting sweet and spicy flavor. Indeterminate. 75 days. CH
Coyote A yellow jewel-like cherry, that bears 6 to 8 on a branch. Very flavorful. Indeterminate. 75 days. CH
Helsing Junction Blues CH
Isis Candy Gorgeous bicolor cherry tomatoes are red with a spectacular cat's eye starburst on the blossom end. Rich, sweet, fruity flavor. 11/2" fruits in clusters of 6-8. Indeterminate. 70-80 days. CH
Juliet Red, 1oz fruit, shaped like grape or elongated plum. Full tomato flavor, high yields. Indeterminate. 60 days. CH
Large Red Cherry A very old type, tried and true. Extremely productive, up to two inches. Full flavor for canning and eating fresh. Indeterminate. 75-80 days. CH
Lemon Cherry Large yields of these pale yellow cherry tomatoes that are juicy, sweet, and flavorful. 1/2oz. A beautiful color and yummy flavor. Indeterminate. 58 days. CH
Pearly Pink Crisp, incredibly flavorful. Bright pink, perfect for snacking. Indeterminate. 75 days. CH
Riesentraube Produces heavy yields of one inch red tomatoes. Very flavorful. Grows in cluster of 20 to 40. Name translates to "Giant Bunch of Grapes". Heirloom from Germany. Indeterminate. 80 days. CH
Snow White Small, ivory-colored cherry tomato that has a delicious taste. One of the few white cherries. Indeterminate. 75 days. CH
Sun Gold Golden-orange fruits in large clusters. Great for snacking a week before full maturity, when it becomes very sweet and delicious. Indeterminate. 65 days. CH
Super Sweet 100 Produces long strands of 100 or more super sweet fruit. 1",1oz cherries. Indeterminate. 75 days CH
Sweet Gold Cherry-size tomatoes that ripen to a bright orange and have a succulent, sweet flavor. Plants are vigorous and fruits are produced in large clusters. Indeterminate. 60 days. CH
Sweet Million Red cluster tomato, disease resistant, Hybrid, prolific and popular. Indeterminate. 65 days. CH
Tommy Toe Complex flavored cherry with lots of fruit that does well in hot humid conditions. Indeterminate. 75 days. CH
Topaz Beautiful and sparkling,1-3 ounce fruit. Light yellow with golden speckles. Mild tasting, firm and good for snacking or salads. Indeterminate. 70 days. CH
Vernissage Yellow A Ukrainian heirloom tomato. HUGE crops of 2 oz., golf ball sized, yellow fruits with light green striping. Luscious sweet flavors and juicy. Wonderful salad tomato. Indeterminate. 75 days. CH
Violet Jasper Violet-purple fruit with iridescent green streaks, 1-3 ounces, are smooth and have good tasting, dark purplish-red flesh, high yield. Indeterminate. 70 days. CH
Yellow Plum Clusters of plum shaped yellow fruit, 1-1/2 inches in diameter. Flavorful and excellent for preserves or salads. Indeterminate. 78 days. CH


Name Description Type
Arkansas Traveler Pink. Known for its ability to produce fruit in hot weather! Medium sized flavorful fruit. Tolerates heat, humidity, and drought well. Indeterminate. 85 days. H
Aunt Ruby's German Green Pale green beefsteak tomato with pink blush. Sweet yet spicy, 12 - 16 oz. Ready to harvest when soft to the touch and yellow-green in color. Indeterminate. 80 days. H
Azoychka Yellow. Small beefsteak, 8oz. Early ripener. Very flavorful with hint of citrus. Indeterminate. 70 days. H
Basrawya Beautiful, round-globe fruit that have a delicious tomato flavor and are quite smooth and perfect looking. From Iraq and seem to be adapted well to hot weather. Indeterminate. 75 days. H
Beduin Deep, dark brick color, pear shaped and weigh 3-6 ounces. Meaty and rich, perfect for canning or fresh eating. Distinctive and well worth growing. Indeterminate. 75 days. H
Black from Tula Deep, reddish-brown Russian beefsteak. Smooth skin, fairly heat-tolerant, can be a good producer for an heirloom. Delicious slightly sweet fruit, 8-12oz. Indeterminate. 78 days. H
Black Krim Flattened 4-5" globes with dark greenish-black shoulders. Likes hot weather. Rich complex flavor, sweet-tasting fruit. Indeterminate. 75 - 90 days. H
Brandywine Red Landis Valley Produces medium-sized, 8 to 12 oz. round, smooth red, juicy fruit. This is a different strain than regular Brandywine Red. High yields. Indeterminate. 78 days. H
Buckbee's New Fifty Day Tomato While not as early as 50 days, this a good producer of early old fashioned flavored scarlet fruit. Indeterminate. 70-75 days. H
Carmello Yields abundant juicy, 5-7 oz medium-large tomatoes with rich, sweet flavor. Thin, yet non-cracking, skin. Carmello is disease-resistant. Indeterminate. 75 days H
Cherokee Purple Dusky rose, purple fruit, large 10-12 oz, heavy producer. Very popular tomato from Tennessee. Sweet rich flavor. Indeterminate. 80 days. H
Corum Kirmizisi Turkish heirloom with pleated red fruit that are up to 10 oz with outstanding flavor and production. Midseason, semi-indeterminate. H
Costoluto Genovese Deep red, juicy tomato. Italian heirloom. Large, deeply ribbed fruit, full flavor. Does well in hot weather. Indeterminate. 78 days. H
Creole Originally developed by LSU for hot, humid climates this produces 3" fruit with good acidity. Indeterminate. 78 days. H
Dester Large pink beefsteak slicer heirloom with good sweet flavor. Indeterminate. 75 days. H
Dos Mercados Flavorful heirloom from Spain noted for its good production of slicers. Midseason, Indeterminate. H
Faribo Goldheart Orange globular. 3 inch, perfectly shaped tomatoes. Delicious nutty taste. Pretty in salsas. Indeterminate. 81 days. H
Feng Shui Rich tasting orange heart shaped tomato from China. Midseason. Indeterminate. H
Flamme Orange salad tomato. French heirloom. Very juicy with sweet flavor. 2 - 3 oz, very productive and tasty tomato. Indeterminate. 70 days. H
Garden Peach Yellow with pink blush. Skin is somewhat fuzzy and flavor is sweet and fruit-like. Larger fruit than typical cherry. Indeterminate. 75 - 85 days. H
Gimar Outstanding Italian tomato that is flavorful and productive and used both fresh and for canning. Indeterminate.Midseason. H
Green Moldovan Fruits average 8-12oz with gold skin and lime flesh. Nice shaped tomatoes with smooth shoulders. Excellent flavor. High producing. Indeterminate. 80 days. H
Grune Von Helarious 4-6 oz flat ruffled green aromatic fruit. Austrian.75-80 days.Indeterminate. H
Humph Small green beefsteak that blushes amber when ripe.Complex flavor.80 days. Indeterminate. H
Indian Moon (labeled Indian River) Orange, globular fruit. Think harvest moon! Blemish-free, intense tomato flavor. Meaty tomato with few seeds. Indeterminate. 75 days. H
Japanese Black Trifele Potato leaf foliage. Black, pear-shaped tomato that looks like a little eggplant on the vine. It's a commercially grown tomato in Russia. Complex, rich sweet flavor. Determinate. 80 days. H
Jeff Davis Large plant with large pink fruit with complex flavor and few seeds. Old southern heirloom.85 days. Indeterminate. H
Jubilee Plant produces high yields of golden-yellow tomatoes. Excellent for making tomato juice and canning. Also good in salads and cooking. A low acid variety. Indeterminate. 72 days. H
Limabaugh's Legacy Potato leafed plant with large lightly pleated pink fruit.Robust full flavor.78 days.Indeterminate. H
Malachite Box Large plants produce good yields of 8-16 oz green fruits. Excellent flavor. Indeterminate. 75 days. H
Mortgage Lifter Exceptionally meaty and typically crack-free. Great old-fashioned tomato flavor. Indeterminate. 85 days. H
Mule Team 8-12oz zesty fruit with good disease resistance. 75 days.Indeterminate. H
Noire Petule Flattened medium sized black tomato with great complex flavor.Midseason. Indeterminate H
Orange Minsk Plants produce an abundant amount of 12oz, lovely pale orange beefstakes with great flavor. From a Minsk farmers' market. Indeterminate. 75 days. H
Paul Robeson Amazing flavor that is so distinctive, sweet and smokey. 7-10 oz. fruit are a blackbrick color. Indeterminate. 74 days. H
Persimmon Persimmon-colored tomatoes weighing 12-16oz. Ripens from the blossom end to the softly dented light green shoulders. Sweet flavor. Indeterminate. 80 days. H
Pierrette French heirloom with scalloped red 12-16 oz balanced flavored fruit.75 days. Indeterminate. H
Pruden's Purple Potato leafed with 1lb pink fruit and sweet rich flavor. 70 days.Indeterminate H
Purple Calabash Medium sized fruit. Deep purple-burgandy color, with tinges of green. Flavor is rich. Plants produce extremely heavy yields of fruit, usually several hundred per plant. Indeterminate. 85 days. H
Qaupaw Native American heirloom with medium sized sweet green mature fruit.Midseason. Indeterminate. H
Rebekah Allen Early producer of large pink fruit with complex balanced flavor.70 days. Indeterminate. H
Rutgers Large crops of crack-free, bright red 6 to 8 oz. tomatoes with delicious old-time taste. A favorite for canning because of its abundance, juiciness and deep red color. Determinate. 75 days. H
Santa Clara Canner Large harvests of smooth, flattened, intensely red tomatoes. 8-10oz and have a very good, rich and complex flavor. Indeterminate. 80 days. H
Sekai Ichi Translates as world's best. Prolific with red fruit with outstanding old fashioned flavor. Indeterminate. Midseason. H
Sokolades Black rich heirloom from Latvia. Indeterminate. 70 days. H
Stupice Compact plants with potato leaf foliage loaded with clusters of 2" fruits. Quite early, great flavor. Heavy yields all season. Produces well in northern climates. Indeterminate. 55 days. H
Super Sioux Perfect variety for hot and dry climates. Produces big sets of crack-free, thickskinned, round, red fruit. On the tart side. Semi-determinate. 71 days. H
Texas Star From the grand state of Texas. 1-2 lb. yellow tomatoes with red striping inside and out and generally a reddish star on bottom end. Very sweet with wellbalanced acid. Indeterminate. 85 days. H
Turkey Pink potato leaf with 4-5" that were reportedly saved from a sandwich by a tourist. Indeterminate. 60-65 days. H


Name Description Type
Bella Rosa Heat tolerant and resistant to tomato spotted wilt virus, Yields of large, 10 to 12 oz. delicious tomatoes with bright red flesh. Determinate. 75 days. HY
Better Boy Bright red slicers, disease resistant. Good general garden tomato. 12-16oz. Indeterminate. 75 days. HY
Big Boy The hallmark of this large, crack-free tomato is its absolutely superb flavor. Bright red, firm, meaty fruits often weigh 1 pound or more. Indeterminate. 75 days HY
Carmelita (Carmello F1) If you like tomatoes, you must taste this one. With pedigree in the most flavorful French heirloom varieties, 8oz raspberry red fruits have excellent flavor and texture. Indeterminate. 74 days. HY
Celebrity Red. Hybrid, flavorful, large firm tomatoes, 8-12oz, strong vines, disease resistant. Good slicing tomato. Determinate. 70 days. HY
Champion II Makes meaty slices with just the right sweetness. High yields of large fruit, bigger than Early Girl and earlier than Better Boy. Outstanding performer. Indeterminate. 70 days HY
Early Girl Red. Good slicer, dependable large harvest tomato. First of the season! Excellent performer. Indeterminate. 52 days. HY
Homestead 24F Meaty red tomatoes, medium sized, smooth, and resistant to cracking. Sets fruit even in hot weather. Determinate. 80 days. HY
Lemon Boy Yellow, not golden. Vigorous plants produce large harvests of sweet but tangy tomatoes. 8 oz fruit, easy to grow. Indeterminate. 72 days. HY
Momotaro Pink tomato. Round, medium-sized, perfectly beautiful fruit. Sweet yet balanced The most popular tomato grown in Japan. Indeterminate. 74 days. HY
New Girl New hybrid that increases the flavor and disease resistance of Early Girl.58-65 days. Indeterminate. HY
Rhodia Large Italian beefsteak, Costoluto type, regular leaf. Indeterminate. 72 days. HY

Open Pollinated

Name Description Type
Berkeley Tie Dye 8-16oz. Green fruit with yellow and red stripes. Creamy green flesh infused with various shades of red and yellow. Indeterminate. 75-90 days. OP
BKX Discovered by a Texan, this is a potato leafed Black Krim. Indeterminate. 75 days. OP
Black and Brown Boar Prominent brown and green stripes. 4-12oz and have a nice, acid flavor. Eyecatching and fun to grow. Excellent yields. Indeterminate. 78 days. OP
Black Apple Russian, 4-6 oz meaty, juicy, flavorful apple shaped. Prolific. 75 days. OP
Blue Beauty Medium to large fruit, 4-8oz. Meaty pink beefsteak with a lovely dark blue anthocyanin top. Sunburn and crack resistant. Very good flavor. Indeterminate. 75 days. OP
Blue Berries Very dark purple color. At maturity they turn deep red where the fruit was shaded and almost black where it's been in full sun. Elongated clusters that look beautiful. Indeterminate. 75 days. OP
Captain Lucky White Potato leafed compact plant with large white sweet fruity tomatoes.Indeterminate. 80 days. OP
Cascade Lava Lovely red with orange spots and streaks showing through parts of clear skin. White freckling as an added touch to this very tasty, one of a kind variety. Full flavored. Indeterminate. 75 days. OP
Copia Yellow and red striped. Gold flesh, streaked with red. Juicy, flavorful, and sweet. Large fruit. Indeterminate. 85 days. OP
Copper River Copper colored tomato with yellow iridescent stripes with medium sized that are as flavorful as attractive.75-85 days. Determinate OP
Dona Red tomato sold in French markets. Fruit is smooth, slightly flattened, almost seedless. Good sweet/acid balance, disease resistant. Indeterminate. 75 days. OP
Girl Girl's Weird Thing Green zebra mutant with green stripes on red and 8-12 oz fruit. Midseason. Indeterminate OP
Golden King of Siberia Lemon yellow 1lb heart shaped fruit with balanced sweet flavor on productive vines. Midseason. Indeterminate. OP
Great White Large white beefsteak with balanced fruity flavor. Indeterminate. 85 days. OP
Green Zebra Two tone green, small fruits (3 oz), sweet yet zingy fruit. Pretty in salads. Indetermin ate. 75 days. OP
Haley's Purple Comet Large cherry-size fruits are a deep mahogany color. The flavor is rich and sweet. Indeterminate. 72 days. OP
Huando Meaty juicy tomato from Peru with red medium fruit. Midseason.Indeterminate. OP
Indigo Apple Large clusters of 2-4 oz. fruits. Small unripe fruit turn purple, as they grow and ripen they turn almost black on top where sunlight hits, bottom and interior are red. Indeterminate. 75 days. OP
Indigo Rose High amount of anthocyanin creates quite a vibrant indigo, almost blue skin on the 2 inch, round fruit. Underside turns to a rosy red. Flavor is great, strongly acidic. Indeterminate. 80 days. OP
J.D.'s Special C-Tex Believed to be from Conroe, Texas. Superb flavor, 8-14oz dark pink fruits with gray-purple shoulders. Indeterminate. 82 days. OP
Large Barred Boar 8-12oz. flattened medium beefsteak fruit. Pink brown with metallic green stripes. Very meaty pink flesh that is very flavorful. Indeterminate. 70 days. OP
Limmony Yellow beefsteak tomato. Russian heirloom. Tangy flavor. 8-10oz, solid meaty interior, smooth, blemish-free exterior. Good yields and a popular tomato. Indeterminate. 80 days. OP
Liz Birt Potato leaf, heavy producer of medium sized, pink round to oblong fruit. Indeterminate. 75 days OP
Lush Queen Dense, meaty. Very beautiful striped pink beefsteak. Good production, flavor. Indeterminate. 75 days. OP
Martha Logan Very heavy producer of medium sized, round to oblate, yellow fruit with a pink blush and pink interior 'swirl', complex sweet flavor OP
Michael Pollan Named after the writer, journalist and teacher. Mild with good sweetness. Indeterminate. 78 days. OP
Pink Berkeley Tie Dye Unbelievable looks and flavor. Striped with port wine interior that gushed tomato flavor. Indeterminate. 78 days. OP
Pink Furry Boar Round pink with creamy yellow stripes, matte skin, fuzzy. Great tomato flavor that is fairly rich and sweet. Good production. 2-4oz. Indeterminate. 75 days. OP
Porter's Pride Red, heat tolerant tomato. Very productive, even in the Texas heat! Lots of round, 3 oz fruit with full tomato flavor, little cracking. Indeterminate. 70 days. OP
Red Furry Boar Compact bushy plants with dense foliage cover, high yields of round to slightly oblate red fruits with yellow stripes and fuzzy skin, bright red meaty flesh. 2-6oz. Indeterminate. 75 days. OP
Resi Adventurous? This was donated and little is listed online. OP
Rowdy Red Medium-sized round, red tomato. Tall, vigorous plants grow very plentiful harvests of these versatile and attractive fruits. Indeterminate. 78 days. OP
Sleeping Lady Dwarf with 3-6 oz fruit black fruit. Black from Tula was one of the parents. Early to midseason. OP
Solar Flare Beautiful, red tomato with gold stripes. Excellent production and a very nice, mildly sweet flavor. Indeterminate. 75 days. OP
Spot Yellow Clusters of canary yellow, 3-5 oz. round fruit with rare and unusual spotting. Heavy producer, great taste, citrus notes. Indeterminate. 75 days. OP
Summer Cider Potato leaf plants. 9-18oz. Yellow-orange beefsteak fruit with very good flavor. Indeterminate. 85 days. OP
Tsindao Black fruit that are 5-8 oz with sweet flavor. Indeterminate. Midseason. OP
Vorlon From Bulgaria. A stunning purple-black tomato with rich dark flesh. Smoky flavor. Indeterminate. Mid season. OP
Yellow Furry Boar Round, bright yellow with green stripes that turn gold. Matte skin, fuzzy. Extra sweet and gorgeous. 2-4 oz. Indeterminate. 75 days. OP


Name Description Type
Amish Gold Golden 1.5" fruit with pointed tip,this cross combines the flavor of sungold with the texture of amish paste. 80 days. P
Amish Paste Bright red 8-12 ounce fruits vary in shape from oxheart to rounded plum. Delicious flesh is juicy and meaty, excellent for sauce or fresh eating. Indeterminate. 85 days. P
Amos Coli Large meaty paste heirloom. Very good production. Great well balanced flavor for fresh eating, canning and sauce. Indeterminate. 80 days. P
Chico III Very early, oblong tomato developed in California. Wonderful disease resistance. Many consider this to be superior to Roma, as it is much earlier and a touch sweeter. Determinate. 70 days. P
Cream Sausage This is a terrific, yet unusual tomato. The creamy-yellow fruit are elongated, with a nicely sweet flavor. Determinate. 73 days. P
Green Sausage Yellow elongated plum-shaped fruits with meaty flesh and pleasantly mild flavor. Productive bushy plants do not require staking, excellent for containers. Determinate. 80 days. P
Italian Gold Deep gold. Heirloom. Very productive paste tomato (6 oz). Makes great sauce. Indeterminate. 80 days. P
LaRoma III Great yielding roma variety with very consistent fruits. Disease resistant. The 5- 8oz fruits are delicious and oblong. Determinate. 76 days. P
Polish Linguisa Red, plum tomato. New York heirloom. Large (8 - 10 oz) fruit, heavy yields. Great sauce tomato. Indeterminate. 73 days P
Rio Grande An oval shaped paste tomato, similar to Roma but with larger fruits. Shows good resistance to hot temperatures. Determinate. 80 days. P
Super San Marzano Hybrid version of San Marzano paste tomato. Large, pear-shaped fruit are an average 5 inches long. Fruit is high in pectin, giving sauce and paste natural thickness. Indeterminate. 70 days. P

Garden Thoughts



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