November 11, 2014 Board Meeting

Members Present: Ila Falvey, Kay McMurry, Linda Francescone, Michael Hall, Ginny Heilman

Old Business

Compost Pile - The consult with John Dromgoole had to be rescheduled due to Randy's being out of town on the proposed date. Natural Gardener is going to advertise Sunshine Plant Sale on their gardening calendar.

T-shirt Contest - Gardeners will vote on the winning choice among the three designs that were tied after the online voting. All t-shirts will be same color. If gray is available, we'll go with that. T-shirt decisions need to be made by Sunday so we can get them ordered in time for the December get together.

Sunshine Plant Sale - The tent has been ordered. We are using eight 55 gal. water-filled drums to secure the tent. Michael has arranged for a porta potty. The greenhouse will be repaired this Saturday so they'll be read in time for herb planting. Randy is ready to order the seeds. Compost and plants will be donated to Micah 6 garden. Advertising is next big push for the sale.

Rabbit/Fire ant Update - We need to get more Spinoza for fire ants. Kerry & Bill have contributed more traps and are assisting Stewart in trapping the rabbits. Six rabbits have been caught over the last month. We need to put framing under the tool shed to reduce rabbit hide outs.

Greenhouse Repair - Saturday, November 15. We'll need lots of help.

TSBVI Check - delivered

Education Committee - Janet and Kay have volunteered to be the board liaisons to meet with the committee. The committee will select a committee head at its first meeting.

New Business

Plots out of Compliance - Out of compliance plots have been contacted.

Plot report - Kay reported that 35 people on the waiting list. There is an equal demand for 1/4, 1/2, and whole plots. As a thank you for our continuing use of TSBVI land, the board decided that TSBVI employees should be given priority for available plots.

Micah 6 Report - Three people have volunteered to take Linda Francescone's role. Dana Kuykendall, Carla Petievich, and Peggy Seaquist have all agreed to help.. Linda will call a meeting with them to update them on what needs to be done to keep Micah 6 running smoothly. Linda has been working with Nicole on the TSBVI gardens to complete the sensory gardens for TSBVI students.

Phasing out Green Binder - Ginny will put a note in shed encouraging the use of the VGB to track hours.

Natural Grocery - Can they contribute their produce to our compost piles? A Sunshine member is employed there, so we have a contact. All Natural Grocery produce is organic produce. We would need to advertise for a volunteer to pick it up. Ila will write up a blurb for the Weeder asking for volunteers.

Compost Tea Generator - Charlotte Jernigan asked Ila if the Sunshine would consider setting this up for member use. Charlotte will send an announcement giving information regarding Sunshine having a compost tea generator.

Next Board Meeting - December 9, 6:00 PM